


Start of Term - September 2nd 2024


The first day of the academic year is Monday, 2nd September 2024.  This is a normal day and gates will open at both schools at 8.25am for all pupils other than new Reception pupils and Sixth Form.  Please see below for these 2 year groups.

All of our new Year 7 Pupils should report to the Drama room where we had our assemblies at the start and end of Transition Day.  They will then be collected by their new Form Tutors.  Pupils  in Years 8 to 11 will have an extended Form Time to get their new timetables and prepare for the term.



The first day of term will be Monday, 2nd September 2024.  For the first 3 days, Monday, 2nd, Tuesday, 3rd and Wednesday, 4th, we ask that you bring your children to school for an 8:50am start.  The first 3 days are shorter as the children get used to their new routines and we ask you to collect them at 11:15am.  The children are then expected to be in school full time from Thursday, 5th September 2024, starting school at 8:30am (school gates close at 8:40am) and staying all day until 3pm.  You will bring your children round to the back of the school at the start of the day and collect them from their teacher in the same place at pick up time.  If you have booked breakfast club or extended day these will not begin until Monday, 9th September 2024.



  • Year 13s need to arrive for 9.00am on Monday, 2nd September 2024 and report to Miss Hyde in the Sports Hall, where they will be given new timetables. They will then go to their first lesson at 9.30am.
  • Year 12s need to arrive for 9.30am on Monday, 2nd September 2024 and report to Miss Hyde in the Sports Hall, where they will be given their timetables. They will then go to their first lesson at 10.00am.