Year 4
Class Teacher: Miss Bullard
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Abdulla and Mr Vincent
Class Teacher: Miss Holmes
Teaching Assistants: Miss Cousins and Mrs Jones
I would like to welcome you all to Year 4! In Year 4, we will be preparing your children for their multiplication check which will take place in the summer term. The children will be learning new knowledge in each subject, and we will aim to go on as many exciting trips as possible to broaden the children's knowledge.
Spellings and home learning
Children are given homework on Friday every week, which should be returned to school the following Thursday. Spellings should be learnt over the weekend, ready for the test on Monday.
Children should continue to read their levelled reading books every evening. Please support your child with recording this in their Reading Record. Children are aware that it is their responsibility to change their books and have time for this every morning. They will also have a weekly slot where they read in a group (Guided Reading) with a teaching assistant. In class, we will also have a short daily reading session and a dedicated lesson once a week where we will focus on reading skills, including comprehension, the use of vocabulary and story themes.
Maths at home
It is important this year that all children are secure knowing all the times tables and the associated division facts, which supports so many areas in Maths. In Year 4, children are expected to know all their times tables up to 12 by the end of the year.
A good website to help the children practise their times tables and other number facts is:
Children can also access times table related activities on Purple Mash.
Year 4 will now have PE on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child brings the appropriate PE kit into school on this day. Over the course of the year we will have a range of different focused including: Outdoor Adventurous Activities, Gymnastics, Football, Cricket and Athletics.
To report an absence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, please contact the school office on each day of the absence. Alternatively, you can email Please include details of your child's name, class and the reason for absence in your message.
Thank you for your support. Please feel free to come and speak to a member of the Year 4 Team if you have any queries.
In Year 4 pupils will work within Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum on the following aspects:
- Spoken language
- Reading (word reading, comprehension)
- Writing (transcription, handwriting, composition, vocabulary, grammar & punctuation)
- Number (number & place value, addition & subtraction, multiplication & division, fractions)
- Measurement
- Geometry (properties of shapes, position & direction)
- Statistics
Click Here - Super for practising inputting answers ready for the Year 4 test of all times table facts
- Working scientifically
- Living things & their habitats
- Plants
- Animals, including humans
- Uses of everyday materials
Design & Technology
Art & Design