
Worship and Prayer

Our distinctive Christian vision (see here) and our five Christian values of compassion, forgiveness, friendship, hope and wisdom, underpin all that we do at the School. Throughout the curriculum and through worship pupils encounter and consider these values and the impact on their learning and lives.


Daily worship is provided at the school for all pupils across all years from Reception to Sixth Form. This takes place either in year groups as collective worship or in tutor spaces with a daily act of worship or reflection taking place. Furthermore, there is opportunity each term for Secondary pupils to take part in a Communion service. We celebrate key Christian events across the liturgical year, such as Harvest, St George's Day and Easter, with pupils actively involved.

‘Collective worship in Foundation Schools with a religious character and voluntary schools will be in accordance with the school's trust deed. Where provision is not made by a trust deed, the worship should be in accordance with the beliefs of the religion or denomination specified for the school.’  DfE– A guide to the law for school governors: Religious Foundation and voluntary schools.

Collective Worship is usually taken by members of staff, pupils or members of the local clergy from various churches.  A number of the clergy deliver regular acts of worship in the Primary Hall or the Gym, Sports Hall and Drama Studio in the Secondary school to various year groups. The current clergy delivering worship are:

Revd. Alice Bates (St Peter's Church)
Revd. Samuel Hearle (Queen’s Road Baptist Church)
Revd. Philip Musindi (St Andrew’s Church)
Captain Luke Johnson (Salvation Army, Minster)
RevD. Paul Worledge and RevD. Claire Coleman (Curate)  (St Luke’s and St George’s, Ramsgate)
Revd. Rhodri Walters (St Peter’s Baptist Church)

Information on your local Church of England church can be found on this website: or feel free to contact the school if you would like support from one of our clergy linked to the school.

At lunchtime in Secondary, a member of the clergy is sometimes available in The Heart at the secondary school, or one of the other lunchtime venues. Prayer is also available for pupils, staff or families through the clergy upon request.

The pupils lead the Primary phase in prayer at lunchtime and at the end of the day.  There are regular opportunities for the children across the school to write prayers and annual prayer space weeks are held across both sites

There are a number of local initiatives for promoting Christian values and a Christian ethos within schools that we support.  Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Personal Development, Mr Chris Knight.

Our prayers of the week can be found here

Our collective worship policy can be found here. The Law requires that all registered pupils, except those whose parents/carers exercise the right of withdrawal, or pupils over the age of 18 who exercise their own right of withdrawal, must take part in an act of Collective Worship on each school day. The right of withdrawal is accessed through a written request.

RE journey through Primary

RE journey primary

RE journey through Secondary

RE journey