Year 3
Meet the Year 3 Team
Stonehenge Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Knight
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Murray-Allen and Ms Orsler
Magna Carta Class
Class Teacher: Miss Pawley
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jacovou and Ms Louca
In Year 3 pupils continue to work on developing the core skills across all curriculum areas. The priority remains for pupils to really extend those skills so they are demonstrating how they can transfer their knowledge and skills across subject areas and show much greater independence in their approach to their learning. Pupils will be expected to display an increasing depth of understanding across the curriculum in both their recorded work and verbal contributions.
There may be occasions when you need to speak with your child’s class teacher. For a brief informal query, the class teacher will be available at the end of the day once all the children have been dismissed. To arrange a formal appointment to meet with your child’s teacher please contact the school office. Staff members will always be available in the morning to pass on a message to your child’s teacher but it will not be possible to meet with teachers at this time of day.
To report an absence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, please contact the school office on each day of the absence. Alternatively, you can email Please include details of your child's name, class and the reason for absence in your message.