
Sport Premium (Primary)

Here at St George’s Church of England Primary Phase we place a strong emphasis on all children participating in sporting activities. This we feel helps support young people with their academic studies, their mental health, teamwork, co-operation and confidence. Not all children are academic and therefore need the experience of a wide variety of activities to help support them throughout their lives at school. By providing children with every opportunity to participate in sport this helps to develop them socially, independently, physically and guides them to become well rounded individuals who can adjust to all the different aspects of life they will encounter as they grow up.

As a school we are continually aiming to gain a higher sports status. Each year as St George’s grows to its full capacity we are building on improving year on year to achieve a sustainable level of sports provision for all our pupils. The funding we receive from the Government will continue to challenge us to become bigger and better ensuring that the youth of today became the participants and champions of tomorrow. The key is to engage and encourage whilst the children are young in order to embed this enthusiasm that will last a lifetime.

This year St George’s have received £18,420 through the Primary Sports Grant. In utilising the document below the school have drawn on best practice from AfPE (which is commissioned by the DfE to develop sports premium for schools) as well as the “Primary School Physical Literacy Framework and the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework.”

St George’s Primary school are determined to engage where possible in all the activity events that are available to them throughout the year. They also host events at the school to provide the opportunities for local schools to engage, as the aim is not only to be competitive but also to ensure that we have as many children participating in physical activities as possible. Within the school community there are regular inter-house events for all children to take part in, to develop their knowledge and understanding of teamwork, cooperation and how talking part helps create healthy bodies and healthy minds.

Sports Premium 2024 to 2025