
Sixth Form

Our Vision

St George’s Sixth Form provides a stimulating vocational curriculum, which allows pupils to specialise in areas that motivate and challenge them whilst providing the opportunities to further their learning ready for the world of work, apprenticeships or university. The Careers and Pastoral Support offered to Sixth Form pupils allows them to grow as individuals, informing them of their choices for the next stage in their lives. This is provided within the school environment that is safe and secure, reflecting the family atmosphere of our all-through community.

If you have any questions about our Sixth Form then please email  

Our 6th Form charity is the Down Syndrome Development Trust

We provide a range of opportunities and experiences at Post-16 including a variety of Level 3 qualifications allowing pupils to progress into employment and higher education.  The two year experience of Sixth Form does not only provide pupils with the qualifications and skills needed for the next stage of their higher education or career, it is the intermediate stage between childhood and adulthood. The pastoral support given throughout the Sixth Form experience helps our pupils to enter the next stages of their lives as well-rounded adults.

The Sixth Form offers a range of activities for pupils including our Football Academy, social events and trips. Pupils are encouraged to take part in the school enrichment programme where they support the school or wider community in various ways whilst simultaneously improving their CV. Sixth Form pupils are offered the chance to help younger pupils in the secondary or primary school.

We understand that not all of our pupils will choose to progress to university after their time in Sixth Form but there is a well-structured programme of preparation for higher education for those that decide to progress in this way. Other pupils will be supported in finding full-time employment or apprenticeships. For more details of our Careers and University support, please follow the link.


Year Team

Director of Sixth Form Miss Hyde

Telephone : 07736 269148

Year Support Miss Huckstep

Telephone : 07745 658629


Year Team and Tutors


Head of Year Miss Hyde
Year Support Miss Huckstep
12.1 (Wed & Fri) Mr Desmond
12.2  (Wed & Fri) Miss Vernieuwe
12.3  (Wed & Fri) Miss Redford
12.4 (Wed & Fri) Mrs Deed
13.1 (Thu) Mrs Deed
13.2 (Thu) Mr Desmond / Miss Redford
13.3 (Thu) Mr Desmond
13.4 (Thu) Mrs Deed / Miss Redford

All Year 12 pupils will have an individual careers interview during the year.

In Year 13 our main focus is ensuring that all pupils maximise their potential in their academic and vocational subjects.

We track progress, attainment and pupils are expected to attend intervention programmes to help those not yet meeting their target grades. All pupils are provided with careers guidance to ensure all pupils have a destination to proceed to once leaving School.

Sixth Form Agreement and Dress Code

As a Sixth Form pupil at St George’s C of E Foundation School, I accept that my main aim is to achieve the best possible results in my studies and I will ensure this by:

  • Keeping up-to-date with all my studies and attending all timetabled lessons
  • Meeting all deadlines set by staff by making productive use of study time at school and at home
  • Limiting my involvement in paid work to no more than 12 hours a week (government recommendation) so that academic progress and success is kept a clear priority
  • Arriving punctually every morning to be ready for timetabled lessons or study time
  • Signing in and out with my swipe card through the pupil entrance whenever entering or leaving the school premises
  • Wearing the correct clothing to adhere to the Sixth Form dress code
  • Not leaving the school premises without out of the building
  • Not having any mobile device or airpods out anywhere in school except the Common Room
  • Participating in a week of work experience in Year 12, where we recommend that you organise your own placement so that it is relevant to your future aspirations




Dress code as follows:

  • All pupils must ensure their personal appearance is appropriate to the school setting.
  • Pupils should either wear dark smart trousers with a shirt and tie OR smart dresses OR trousers/skirts with a smart top
  • Skirts and dresses must be a reasonable length, no shorter than just above the knee.
  • All footwear must be smart in style and dark in colour.  Plain black trainers are allowed, but no other colour.
  • Green lanyard and swipe card must be worn at all times when on school site.


The following items MUST NOT be worn at any time:

  • No vest tops
  • No denim of any kind or colour
  • No facial piercings
  • No hoodies
  • No leggings/jeggings
  • No airpods (or equivalent) in lessons or around the school


If you are part of the TSC Football Academy, the official kit with trainers is the only thing that can be worn on training days to substitute the smart dress code above. The official kit includes:

  • Navy joggers
  • Blue shorts
  • Blue top
  • White polo shirt
  • Blue jumper

Sixth Form Attendance

Sixth Form Attendance Policy

Sixth Form Procedure


  • We expect Sixth Form pupils to attend ALL of the lessons they are timetabled for.
  • If a pupil is unwell we expect their parents to inform the Attendance Team on the first day of absence by 9.00am, just like they would with lower school pupils. This can be done on the MyEd App or by email to
  • Sixth Form pupils may self-certificate an absence for a medical appointment only, as long as evidence of the appointment is provided. This should be done by email to the Attendance Team on
  • If a pupil’s attendance falls below 90% an initial letter will be sent to parent(s), with a copy to the pupil, informing them of our concerns and the need to improve attendance.
  • If there is no immediate and sustained improvement following this, a first Disciplinary Meeting will be arranged with the Director of Sixth Form, parent(s) and the pupil.
  • Attendance will be monitored for two weeks following the meeting. If there is no improvement a second Disciplinary Meeting will be held with the Director of Sixth Form, Education Welfare Officer, parent(s) and the pupil to discuss the situation and to look at alternative options.
  • Attendance will be monitored for a further two weeks and if there is no sustained improvement a final Disciplinary Meeting will be held with the Head of School, parent(s) and the pupil. At this point, unless there are extenuating circumstances, the Sixth Form place may be terminated and guidance with regard to alternative provisions linked to a careers interview will be offered.