

Literacy at St George’s C of E Foundation School

St George’s Church of England Foundation School is committed to raising levels of literacy.  We foster a cross-curricular approach whereby pupils are expected to maintain high standards of literacy within all subjects in relation to their reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Each day, pupils are required to bring their own reading book into school where pupils will be required to read this for 10 minutes after lunch during ‘DEAR’ time. Pupils can take out a book from the school’s library, however an importance is placed on returning this book by the date given and in the same condition it was taken in. We greatly encourage reading outside of school to further deepen pupils’ skills and knowledge. A copy of the school’s recommended reading list can be found below, separated by year group.

On Fridays pupils and teachers will explore texts together during the first 10 minutes of lesson 4. This is Register, Read Respond time. Pupils will be read a text linked to the literacy calendar and then pupils will be given some time to respond to this in discussion. The aim is to develop pupils knowledge and understanding of a range of themes and ideas.

Support is initiated for pupils identified as having weaknesses within literacy through TA intervention and our own pupil reading mentors in various initiatives within the school. We also use the Accelerated Reader programme to track and monitor the progress of pupils with a reading age of under 10 years throughout the school year.

“The more you read the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you will go.”

– Dr Seuss


Reading Lists

Year 7 click here
Year 8 click here
Year 9 click here
Year 10 click here
Year 11 click here



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Reading for Pleasure Guide 07th Nov 2023 Download