


SIAMS Inspection

In September, St George's had an inspection by SIAMS (National Society Status Inspection of Anglican Schools).

The full report can be found HERE


"The inspection findings indicate that the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school and is enabling people to flourish".

The key strengths were identified as:

  • Lives are transformed as a result of the school’s Christian vision. Leaders make bold decisions in the best interest of each child. Its impact is profound, especially for those who are vulnerable.
  • The Christian vision, enhanced by its associated values, are the bedrock upon which St George’s has developed as an all-through school. As a result, pupils thrive in their learning, including the most vulnerable and those who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • The care of pupils and staff is outstanding. This is driven by inspired and inspiring leaders, including governors, who are passionately single-minded in their aspiration for every individual pupil.
  • The worship life of the school is fundamental to its distinctiveness as a result of highly effective and wide-reaching partnerships with local clergy. Consequently, the opportunity for engaging and varied worship is at the heart of the school’s spiritual flourishing.
  • The religious education (RE) curriculum is exceptionally well-led across both the primary and secondary school. At Key Stages 1 to 4 pupils’ learning is deep and the subject is a living expression of the vision.